Saturday, October 25, 2008

23 October 2008 - Eriadne project got a mention from ATED organisation

ated - ICT Ticino with Pool-IT organized Recognition ated - ICT Ticino 2008 contest with the aim to promote and enhance skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Ticino, Switzerland.
Within 18 submitted projects the Jury assigned a mention to Eriadne project.

More info on

Friday, September 5, 2008

Time is Life

Eriadne will be present at the event "Zeit ist Leben" in Zürich for a demonstration day with the purpose of throwing the first alarm when a public defibrillator (AMD) is picked up.

During past edition of International Film festival of Locarno, Eriadne software was installed on dedicated hardware devices with the purpose to monitor two AMD devices as prototype project in collaboration with Ticino Cuore foundation and FCTSA.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

30.6.2008 - Eriadne follows Claudio Vosti in a paraglider journey of 700Km

30th June 2008 - Claudio Vosti take off with his paraglide from Ticino, Switzerland flying to Monaco in several legs. Eriadne will enable Claudio to communicate on his pages his position and the daily path.

In bocca al lupo!

Monday, June 30, 2008

30.6.2008 - Eriadne 1.2.7 minor bugfixes

With the new version we fixed a small bug that was preventing unregistered users to register not detecting correctly the email syntax.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

24.5.2008 - Eriadne at Outdoor days, Riva del Garda, Italy

24th May 2008 we will present Eriadne together with Giscover partner to the first ever Italian meeting dedicated entirely to outdoor sports in Riva del Garda, Italy.

Meet us, we'll wait for your coming.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to let know your friends you are using Eriadne ?

Some time people ask us how do Eriadne can be used in prevention of possible incidental events. The answer is to let know your family and friends that you are using Eriadne together with the email you used to register into Eriadne project.

To help you in this and to help us to spread Eriadne we prepared a small shop where you can find T-shirts, caps and pins.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

14.5.2008 - BandAdriatica in Rotta per Otranto

We are amazed every day on how people find Eriadne suitable for varied needs. This one made us smile and we would like to share with all of you the particular project of BandAdriatica with 15 musicians who are navigating the Adriatico sea with a sailing ship.
They will be using Eriadne to track the ship and let us follow them in this journey.

Some numbers:
400 miles
5 concerts
one travel
one film

We thank Ovidio Venturoso and Claudio Prima and wish all of the Band great success.......In culo alla balena !!
More info....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

25.3.2008 - Eriadne 1.2.6

With this update we fixed few little problems:
  • zoom in/out of the path with up and down joystick
  • move back in the time (left and right) while zoom in follow the position on path
  • fixed (hopefully) the erroneous replacement of the email-ID with a number
Have a nice excursions !

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

12.2.2008 - Notified first real rescue case

Is with great surprise that we received the call of Claudio, and expert paraglider, notifying us that he could get out of a trouble with Eriadne after falling in a mountain area with 60-100cm of snow.

Here some pictures, and here his story:

(in the picture a rescuer of REGA dropped with helicopter)

Sono caduto alle 14:00 e dopo aver telefonato a mia moglie e a 2 miei amici che conoscevano la zona, avevano già visto il mio tracciato su Eriadne e sapevano dove ero.
Alle 15:05 ho tolto il Parapendio dal Larice e comunicato con cellulare che partivo a piedi, ma non sapevo ancora se risalire o scendere.

Durante il cammino verso il fondo Valle alle 15:50 non ricevevo più il segnale GSM, non potevo vedere quanto segnale rimaneva perché avevo messo il telefono e il ricevitore GPS nella tasca superiore della mia tuta in quanto a volte sprofondavo fino alla vita.

Dopo 2h e 30 di cammino con il mi sacco da 18 Kg ero stanco e fradicio, la notte si avvicinava (17:33) ed ho deciso di guardare se avevo il segnale, avendo un piccolo segnale che veniva e andava ho mandato le coordinate con Eriadne a mia moglie e di chiamare l'elicottero alle 17:56.

La REGA è arrivata alle 18:45 e mi hanno prelevato con il verricello.

Chiesto poi alla Rega se erano giuste le coordinate per trovarmi, mi hanno risposto che erano giuste e che non hanno avuto problemi per trovarmi (valle Stretta e boschiva)
Many thanks to Claudio.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Eriadne 1.2.5 base feature video explained

Presenting Eriadne with few words on a newspaper or on official website is different and because of new technologies involved it has less impact than than showing it with a real phone. So we made this little video that shows almost all you can do with Eriadne on your mobile and trough (Since YouTube video may lack of quality you may download better quality AVI file of about 40Mb)

Sit down and enjoy !

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Eriadne 1.2.5 - Geotagging, zoming, timebrowsing and more

Eriadne is time by time growing in features mobile side and server side. The new version comes with:

Geotagging and time-browsing
At any point of your path you can add a comment and/or some tags to categorize your Point of Interest or excursion jurnal. As result, when the path is sent to the server, you may find red squared labels indicating that a comment can be read.
A comment may be added with '5' key on your mobile keyboard or clicking with your mobile joystick.
You may review comments or add comments in past points by navigating backwards or forward in the path using '4' and '6' keys, respectively LEFT and RIGHT of the joystick.

Zooming and scaling
Making long excursions we realized that after a while the path became only a pile of red spots and details hidden by automatic zooming.
With '2' or '8' keys or UP and DOWN of the joystick you may zoom into current location and see more details. To give you a way to compare to the reality we added an automatic scale indicator up-left of the screen.

Online Map legend

Information to show on the dynamic map grow more and more, we need to clarify a bit:
  • Starting point of the excursion
  • Time and coordinates indicator (does not mean the mobile has sent something)
  • Last position that the user sent to the server
Up to now it's all folks. Stay tuned, new interesting features coming soon! if you have wishes just share with us !

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Successful Rescue exercise for Eriadne

13.01.2008 Switzerland - Eriadne has been used to start a rescue exercise with Swiss Alpine Rescue groups, REGA helicopter support and SAC-CAS. The execise successfully succeeded in a couple of hours.

The rescue teams judged the system innovative in the mountain incident preventions, drastically improves the search efficacy and helps in better preparing the intervention.

Here you can find some specific moments of the day.

and the rescue path: