Geotagging and time-browsing

A comment may be added with '5' key on your mobile keyboard or clicking with your mobile joystick.
You may review comments or add comments in past points by navigating backwards or forward in the path using '4' and '6' keys, respectively LEFT and RIGHT of the joystick.

Making long excursions we realized that after a while the path became only a pile of red spots and details hidden by automatic zooming.
With '2' or '8' keys or UP and DOWN of the joystick you may zoom into current location and see more details. To give you a way to compare to the reality we added an automatic scale indicator up-left of the screen.
Online Map legend
Information to show on the dynamic map grow more and more, we need to clarify a bit:
Starting point of the excursion
Time and coordinates indicator (does not mean the mobile has sent something)
Last position that the user sent to the server
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