Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eriadne 1.2.3 RC1

Dear Frieds,
We could not let you without a X-Mas present.
Thanks to Paolo Attivissimo we could test Eriadne on a SonyEricsson P1i and fix some user interface problems that made a bit hard to find some buttons (Exit, Send Path, etc).
The new version come also with some bugfix and a big enhancement in reducing the amount of bytes sent over the air when sending a path.

Have a nice excursions!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Eriadne Team wishes you merry X-Mas and Happy 2008

Who can make better GPS X-Mas tree than this below, please, send us the link :-)

With the current version (1.2.2) we are getting data from different models of mobiles and consider them as certified to be able to run Eriadne and be able to communicate the position.
Integrated GPS: Nokia N95, 6110 Navigator(+AGPS)
External Bluetooth GPS:
Nokia N93, N80, N73, E70, E61, E50, 6230, 6120c, 5500, 3250
SonyEricsson P1i*, W810i, K750i, V600i

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Eriadne 1.2.2

With this update version we fixed some menues interaction problems on SonyEricsson and enhanced server communication.